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RFID channel door - 10 times faster than manual - a few seconds of inventory of goods in and out of the warehouse - automatic report generation - Suzhou Wisdom View

Released Date: May 15,2023 Article Source: Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., LTD

RFIDThe application benefits of the passageway door: mass cargo group reading: in the dispatch of a large number of goods in large quantities of screening, rapid goods in and out of the warehouse, reduce the approval time, improve efficiency; Real-time control:24Hourly real-time collection of goods in and out of the information, access methods and other convenient and quick management; Illegal access supervision: illegal access of goods out of warning tone prompt, immediately noticeIVESWarehouse management system software to ensure the safety of enterprise assets traceability Cargo management: goods in and out......

  RFIDApplication benefits of access door:

  Mass cargo group reading: in the dispatch of a large number of goods in a large number of screening, rapid goods in and out of the warehouse, reduce the approval time, improve efficiency;

  Real-time control:24Hourly real-time collection of goods in and out of the information, access methods and other convenient and quick management; 

  Illegal access supervision: illegal access of goods out of warning tone prompt, immediately noticeIVESWarehouse management system software to ensure the security of enterprise assets 

  Traceability of goods management: the quantity of goods in and out of the warehouse, the time of deliveryWarehousing time, operation inventory personnel, and warehouse background report records and other traceability management Management, simplify the operation, greatly improve the work efficiency!

Keywords: RFID channel door

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  • 1377 1886 689
  • 0512-62380743