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Digital factory combined with RFID fixed asset management system, improve the core competitiveness of enterprises

Released Date: Oct 28,2022 Article Source: Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., LTD

Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the Internet of Things since its inceptionRFIDResearch and implementation of industry application technology. For years of service1000+Home to all types of customers. Many factories, in the inventory of assets, there will be a lot of waste of manpower and material resources, and now they are transformed into digital factories and combinedRFIDFixed assets management system, not only reduce manpower, improve production efficiency, but also provide key information for business decision-making. In digital chemical industry......

  Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the Internet of Things since its inceptionRFIDResearch and implementation of industry application technology. For years of service1000+Home to all types of customers.

  Many factories, in the inventory of assets, there will be a lot of waste of manpower and material resources, and now they are transformed into digital factories and combinedRFIDFixed assets management systemIt not only reduces manpower, improves production efficiency, but also provides key information for business decision-making.

  In a digital factory, managers can rely onRFIDThe data analysis in the fixed assets system, sitting in the office through the computer can automatically arrange production orders, production personnel and procurement personnel can also allocate reasonable personnel or materials according to the system, so that the product of the enterprise to achieve the whole life cycle of quality supervision and tracking, to achieve the visualization of the entire process of the production site.

  UseRFIDFixed assets management system, combineERPSystem,OASystem, etc., through digital integration, link all the information data of the company's internal management. Through data analysis, procurement personnel do not need to prepare goods long in advance, only need toRFIDFixed asset management system issued a reminder, then inRFIDThe financial department and the enterprise do not need to prepare too much inventory funds, so that the enterprise can truly achieve zero inventory, reduce the pressure on the enterprise, greatly reduce the enterprise risk, and improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

RFIDFixed assets systemPCEnd entry

Corporate asset sheetRFIDtag

MC3390R RFIDreader harvester

  Digital factory integrationRFIDFixed assets management system, managers can understand the production progress, view the production process, trace production responsibility, control product quality. Check the inventory at any time, once there is insufficient inventory, the system will give real-time warning. It can also make scientific prediction and stock through data analysis.

  Digital factory integrationRFIDThe fixed asset management system has been applied in logistics, supply chain, production and manufacturing, industrial manufacturing and other fields. By collecting various kinds of data in the daily production and operation process of enterprises, the monitoring, analysis and prediction of enterprise operation can be realized, the potential of cost reduction can be deeply explored and cost control can be optimized. To achieve enterprise cost reduction and efficiencyDevelopment strategic objectives.

  In summary, digital combinationRFIDThe fixed asset management system is the best choice for the future digital transformation of enterprises, which can truly enable enterprises to realize automation, intelligence, data and information tracking, and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. The hardware equipment includes:RFIDreader,RFIDtag,RFIDantenna,RFIDStationary readerLet's wait.

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  • 1377 1886 689
  • 0512-62380743